The temperatures have dropped drastically in the past few days here in Atlanta, and poor naked Greta was freezing her little weimaheiney off at night. We like to keep the heat at 60ish at night to create a frosty bedroom, so the poor animals were freezing to death-more than I knew. After consulting with my sewing elders, I decided on this fleece design. Since Greta sleeps on the couch anyway, she just needed a barricade around the sides to hold in some body heat. So I cut a fleece blanket in half ($5), and sewed two 60" tubes out of it. Then stuffed the two tubes with three king sized washable pillows ($12) and cut ties in the fleece at each end of the tubes and tied them off, to create this triangular snuggle donut. $17 dollars total. Beats the $150 dollar Ginat dog beds at the store.

She found it within seconds and hasn't gotten up all night.
I am liking it very much. Looks very cozy and I like the grey. The tied fleece was a great idea....good use of that little trick.
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