Day 5 of rain...and the after party
After being cooped up for 5 days there was a little pent up energy floating around, amongst everything ELSE floating around. When the storm finally let up, we took a little trip in the yard to check things out and play in the puddles.

11am-day 5
Greta says, 'what happened here?'
At first glance, a pile of tree debree
At second glance, a pile of fire ants floating on a raft of fire ant larvae...disgusting and very discouraging. You can't even drown the little creatons. 

Storms-bad. Puddles-Good.

it may never be dry again at your house!! i thought mine was bad but my dogs hate it!! i should take a pic of shanae backing her butt up just far enough to the grass to pee and then running as fast as she can back in!i wont complain though it could be worse! Griffin just uses the tile in the hall he wants no part in the rain!he just stands at the door and barks!! ughhh
Her big flappy bat ears are the funniest part.
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