- Jalapenos
-1 bottle Claude's BBQ Brisket Sauce
Using a sharp, thin knife, cut a pocket in the brisket from the thin side of the meat. Be careful not to pierce the 3 sides, the top or the bottom. stuff with seedless/stemless halved jalapenos. Hold brisket, pocket up and pour Claude's BBQ Brisket sauce (2 ounces per pound of meat). (Optional: Marinade in refrigerator overnight about 10 hours or longer in Claude's sauce. )
Place brisket in a roaster pan with the fat side up, and pour the sauce over it. Seal pan with foil or with tight lid.
Cook a 10-12 lb brisket in slow oven at 250 for 7-8 hrs (13-15lb at 250 10-12 hrs). Remove from oven and cool, cut off fat, slice or shred meat. The sauce can be used as a natural gravy, remove fat from sauce by cooling in refrigerator, fat will float to top and can be taken out easily.Serve sliced brisket with mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob and a salad or vegetables. Brisket can be used for sandwiches or Brisket Salad.
Side note: Mike (Josh's stepdad) used John Henry's Texas Brisket Rub, but wasn't super impressed. So he said next time he was going back to Claude's sauce, because it's what he normally uses and likes better. I gave you links in the recipe to find both. I think they sell it at sams possibly, or you can order it, OR use your own that you know is good.
I created this as best I could with Mike's direction, and a couple online brisket recipes to find the right direction wording, so if Mike is reading this and feels he was misrepresented, he should email me corrections and I would be happy to oblige.
Bon Appetite!
(not recommended)

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